
Archive for the ‘Springer Spaniel’ Category

Olympic Torch Relay Dogs

July 17, 2012 3 comments

The Olympic Torch Relay hit my home town of Tunbridge Wells today but I nearly didn’t go. I wanted to get on with last week’s wedding pictures and but Mrs Dog Snapper made it very clear that I was required for child control business and was to bring my camera also. She always knows best.

The sun came out as the hoards walked along St Johns Road up to the town where we decided that just outside Alexander Boyes Estate Agency would be the perfect place to plonk ourselves. The man next to us pointed out a couple of ‘flag ladies’ who were handing them out for free, so that was that bit done.

With twenty minutes or so before the torch went by, the morning was to turn into a little dog snapping session. First up there was the two Labradoodles named after areas on the shipping forecast. Cromarty is the white one and Fisher, the black one. I was told that there is or was, also an Alsatian, aptly named German Bight. This was all looking and sounding very good. I’m part of a quiz team and the shipping forecast comes up quite a bit so I’ve made an extra effort to familiarise myself with it. Although, it has no practical use for me, there’s something quite mesmerising about listening to the shipping forecast when it comes on (a bit like hearing The Archers theme tune). I even miss it when listening to Test Match Special on DAB radio as they don’t break for it like they do on LW radio.

So after these two had been photographed, I had to see if there were any more and spotted a Springer Spaniel across the road, outside Sankeys restaurant (with their extra scaffold frontage!!) I’m not sure if this dog is the same Lily that I photographed in Grosvenor Park a few months backĀ (she was a very wet dog then) but I did recognise the owner as being a girl I went to Primary School with. Some people just never get out of Tunbridge Wells.

Lastly, behind where we were sitting is Lulu, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, trying to get an elevated position on the steps for when the torch came by. I’m glad it wasn’t a really long wait and the crowds definately grew and grew as the masses came out of their offices. A helicopter signalled that they were near by, a few ‘official sponsors’ floats came past with happy, smiling, beautiful people on, waving at everybody. Then the real moment of excitement as the torch bearer wearing his ‘official tracksuit’ came by with a big grin flanked by four ‘official bodyguards’. I even made sure I got my kids in the frame on the right so they’ve got a something to look back on for the future. I’d like to let you know who this chap is but looking on the ‘official’ website, there’s no mention of him. Looking at the list of eight torch beariers coming through Tunbridge Wells, I could rule out four as they are female and he’s obviously not one of the men aged 43, 65 or 68. So he must be Alex Gerrity I thought, until I read ‘his’ biog and see that “My dream is to be the first Female Mayor of London…” I did go back to see if he was in fact a she, but no, he is definately a ‘he’, so I have no idea who he is. Someone put me right.

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Cromarty and Fisher, Labradoodles

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Lily, Springer Spaniel

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Lulu, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Photographers at Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Olympic Torch Relay in Tunbridge Wells

Annnnd, he’s gone.

Dog Photo Session in the Bluebells

I’m back. Apologises for my absense in the past six weeks, but I’m blaming it on dog-overkill from Crufts.

Anyway, this post is from a dog photo session I did earlier in the week out in Chiddingstone. It was a fantastic job to do for a few reasons. Firstly, I got to meet one of the brides I photographed (yes, I photograph weddings also, check out the link to my main photo website) about three years ago again, as it was Sophie who had got in touch, asking about dog photography for her mum’s Springer Spaniel, Megan.

After a little back and forth on the phone, trying to avoid the rain, rain, rain that we’ve had, we finally managed to get it on. Which meant a trip back to Jane’s (Sophie’s mum) absolutely beautiful cottage in Chiddingstone, with a garden to die for. Yes, these pictures were taken in amongst the bluebells that are in the wooded part of the garden. How fantastic is that!

So it was great to see Jane and Sophie again and also the new addition to the family, as Sophie had new five month old baby George in tow.

So back to Megan, a 6 year old Springer Spaniel X who was fantastically well-behaved having been very well trained by Jane. As you know, I’m very partial to a Spaniel and she was just like my Barney – full of beans and happy to chase a ball around. Simple pleasures.

After photographing in the garden, we finished off in Puckden Woods which also has masses of bluebells.

I promise to get going again with my regular posts of the dogs around the area. I still have a few in the bag that I need to blog about so keep coming back.

dog photography Tunbridge Wells

dog photography Tunbridge Wells

dog photographer Tunbridge Wells

dog photographer Tunbridge Wells

Kent dog photographer

Kent dog photographer

dog photography Kent

dog photography Kent

Stick Thief Brian

January 21, 2012 Leave a comment

Here’s Brian, a three year old English Springer Spaniel, who is a familiar face in the area. A lot of his siblings are still local too, including Marley, Riise, Dotty and Max.

The owner had stopped to make a call and was sitting on a log in the woods. Brian started eyeing up Barney’s stick and went in for the steal. Barney is such a wuss and gave it up far too easily for my liking. He then spent the next couple of minutes barking at Brian while he teased him about the stick. Barney is not really much of a barker but this really miffed him. Never mind Barney, plenty more sticks in the woods.

Brian, English Springer Spaniel

Brian, English Springer Spaniel

Brian, English Springer Spaniel

Brian, English Springer Spaniel

Springer Spaniel Pup

January 10, 2012 Leave a comment

I’m coming across lots of new pups on my walks at the moment.

This little chap is Archie, an English Springer Spaniel that’s just 3Ā½ months old. The owners are now living locally after moving down from London.

Tricky to photograph, as he was such a live-wire, but really glad I did.

Archie, English Springer Spaniel

Archie, English Springer Spaniel

Archie, English Springer Spaniel

Archie, English Springer Spaniel

Archie, English Springer Spaniel

Saturday afternoon dog photography

October 22, 2011 Leave a comment

I got recognised! While out on the dog walk/dog photography session this afternoon with my family, I asked to photograph a bouncy Springer Spaniel and the lovely lady said “Oh are you The Dog Snapper? Some of my friends have had their dogs snapped but I keep missing you”. This is all good and I’m glad that word is getting round.
So here we are with today’s dog, who is called Alfie (described as a ‘mental Springer’ – aren’t they all?) Hope you like the pictures.
Hopefully early next week I’ll be able to let you know how you can purchase any of the images that I’ve been posting, as prints, hi res files or other quirky, fun products.

Dog photographer Kent

Tunbridge Wells Dog Photographer

Dog photography Kent

Dog Photographer Kent